

Established October, 2005 as YALSA, renamed YACS (Young Adult and Children’s Services) in summer 2007.

I. Name

The name of this organization is YACS-UCLA.

II. Purpose

  • To celebrate young adult and children’s literature
  • To facilitate networking between library students and LA-area Youth Service professionals
  • To promote the exchange of ideas and interaction among its members
  • To promote interest in young adult and children’s services at UCLA
  • To bring together members and young adults in the community through volunteer efforts
  • To utilize partnerships with other student organizations in achieving large goals

III. Membership

A. Membership in the organization is open to all currently registered students, alumni, and faculty of the University of California, Los Angeles interested in young adult and children’s literature/service.

B. Membership is open to all students, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion, creed, October 24, 2012 considered to be active if they are registered for the group and they can claim one or more of the following:

  • are current student / faculty of GSE&IS
  • attend group meetings
  • participate in group activities

D. Upon graduation from the MLIS program, student members become considered alumni and may leave the group whenever they wish. Alumni are encouraged to remain and offer advice when requested. Active members wishing the attention of alumni to their group email posting should begin their subject heading with the following: [A] (include the brackets)

IV. Activities

A. There shall be a meeting of the membership at the beginning of each academic year, at the beginning of each subsequent quarter, and thereafter as necessary.

B. If uniting schedules proves too difficult for a meeting of the major body to be called, group email discussion is permitted in lieu of a physical meeting.

C. Activities and programs shall be planned in accordance with the purposes set forth in Article II.

D. All group decisions and activities shall be posted to the group email list and the website.

V. Officers

A. The officers of this organization shall consist of a President and a Treasurer. No person will be permitted to hold more than one office. The officers, together with the student chapter advisor, will comprise the Executive Committee and will be responsible for the administration of the organization.

B. Any officer position may be shared by more than one individual. Individuals wishing to share an officer position must announce their candidacy together, run as a team, and be elected by the membership as a team.

C. Officers will serve for a term of one year, and may be re-elected to an additional term of one year. In the event of a vacancy in the presidency, the vice-president shall assume that office and maintain that office for the remainder of the term. All other officer vacancies will be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The individual designated to such a position will hold that office for the remainder of the term.

VI. Faculty Advisor

A. The Faculty Advisor shall act as a liaison between the Student Chapter and the Department of Information Studies.

B. The Faculty Advisor shall be an active partner with the members in fulfilling the purposes set forth in Article II.

VII. Committees

A. Ad hoc committees to further the objectives and interests of the group will be appointed by the President(s), with the support of the Executive Committee, from among the active members.

VII. Financial Statement

A. The organization shall make financial records available to authorized University officials upon request.

IX. Amendments

A. Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be introduced by any member at any meeting and shall be decided by a majority vote of those participating in an poll set up on the online mailing list group.

B. One of the Executive Committee is responsible for creating the poll. Not less than one week shall be given after the posting of the poll for active members to cast their vote. If by the end of the week less than half of the active group has responded, the poll creator must send out a reminder email to the group and wait a further week before concluding the poll.

C. The poll may not be set to show the names of the voters in this particular instance, so it will be on the honor system that inactive members do not vote.